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Heart health Supplements

Heart Health Supplements – Importance and Benefits

Heart Health Supplements - There has been excellent research on cardiovascular health for many years. We have learned much about how lifestyle factors affect arterial health and how stress pays to heart disease and other common cardiovascular conditions. For persons who have a family history of heart trouble, cardiac health is of the utmost importance.…

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Wellness For All – Introduction, Types and More

Are you looking for Wellness For All? If your answer is yes, formerly, you are at the right place. We are going to discuss wellness for all. Shakuntala Mukund is an India-founded company with various herbal products for health. They follow the basic concept of Indian ayurvedic to develop herbal products. They work with the…

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Function of Protien

Function of Protein

Function of Protein - Every cell in the human body comprises a protein. The basic structure of proteins is a chain of amino acids. It would help if you had protein in your diet to benefit your body, repair cells and make novel ones. Protein is also essential for growth and development in children, adolescents,…

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Balancing the Four Dimensions of Wellness

Balancing the Four Dimensions of Wellness

Introduction Dimensions of wellness Over the past year, several have faced new challenges and reevaluated our lives in many ways. As a result, the concept of wellness and taking time for ourselves has become increasingly popular. A balanced wellness approach can radically modify how we think, act and make decisions. Well-being is about sustained growth and…

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Muscular Endurance and How You Can Build It 2022_

Muscular Endurance and How You Can Build It?

Introduction Muscular endurance and how you can build it allows you to perform for long periods without fatigue physically. Physical stamina is vital if you do high-strength physical work or play sports for hours or even days. Some examples where physical endurance is beneficial include digging in the yard all day, working in construction, playing…

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