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Common Causes of Hair Damage

Common Causes of Hair Damage

Common Causes of Hair Damage, if your scalp drives you crazy… Don’t worry! It has caused us all problems at least once. It can change due to external conditions, such as pollution and weather, or internal conditions, such as stress and diet.

The problems that may appear are diverse; some are easier to treat than others. Most women know them because we have suffered from them or even because they are still present daily. Therefore, it is essential to always care for our scalp and possible changes or reactions. And we are not talking about the small daily struggles that we can have with our curly hair, without volume or split ends, but we are referring to a more serious battle. So they are also more challenging to treat.

Common Causes of Hair Damage – Hair Problems and Their Solution

How is your hair? Probably, you feel identified with some of the following problems. They are widespread among women, but we don’t always know how to solve them or what products can be helpful to them. To begin with, it is first necessary to understand what happens to our hair.

Common Causes of Hair Damage – Dandruff


Having a scalp full of dandruff harms our hair’s well-being. Dandruff weakens it and, in addition, can contribute to the appearance of alopecia. It also produces annoying itching. Pollution, excess oil, stress, tension, nerves and lack of vitamins are some of the causes of dandruff.

There remain two kinds of dandruff: dry and fatty. The first is more common and long-lasting. Typically, it appears in the form of scales that tend to detach easily from the scalp and are fine, dry and white or greyish. And this unsightly problem does not end here since the scalp is also dry and the hair dull.

With oily dandruff, the same reactions occur but with more intensity. The scales are more prominent, thicker, greasy, and have an unwanted yellow hue. It is associated with seborrhea and is very itchy, so scratching is unavoidable. It can even irritate and cause alopecia. To end this problem, you can use a neutral shampoo and brush your hair gently. If it persists, consult a dermatologist before using other anti-dandruff treatments.

Common Causes of Hair Damage – Greasy Hair

In this case, the scalp secretes sebum to protect against the bacteria surrounding us. The problem is that sometimes this segregation occurs in excess. Consequently, our hair looks dull and lifeless. Stress and an unbalanced diet are the most common causes of oily hair. To regulate excess sebum, use a specific shampoo for oily hair; little by little, you will see it cleaner for longer.

Common Causes of Hair Damage – Dry Hair

Dry hair is usually due to improper hair care. Either due to the inappropriate use of a shampoo that is not for you or that includes aggressive components, such as excessive dryer use and iron. Likewise, exposure to the sun and a dry climate also dry it out. Dry hair tends to break, is rough and often looks dull. The dehydration of the scalp and the low production of hair fat are the cause of dryness.

To counteract this effect, the use of these electronic devices should be reduced and if you are going to use them, protect your hair beforehand with a heat-protective spray. Evade washing your hair daily, use shampoos formulated for dry hair and apply a hair mask.

Common Causes of Hair Damage – Sensitive Scalp

Burning, tingling, pain, itching or redness are some symptoms of a hyperreactive or hypersensitive scalp. Sensitivity appears due to unbalanced diets, pollution, incorrect shampoos, or stress. Try mild shampoos that do not contain irritating components to end your sensitive hair. Delicacy and softness are critical in order not to aggravate the problem.

Common Causes of Hair Damage – Ringworm of the Head

It is a fungal infection caused by fungi that live in the dead tissues of the hair. These mold-like fungi are called dermatophytes and are more present in warm and humid environments. It is usually prone during childhood, although it can also appear at any other age. In this case, the hair comes off, and bald spots appear with tiny white dots. Additionally, tinea capitis can cause long-lasting scarring. To reduce it, it is essential to keep the scalp clean and wash it with a specific shampoo prescribed by a dermatologist.


Scalp psoriasis is an inflammatory disease that causes scaling and can lead to abundant dandruff. Typically, it appears in outbreaks, so there are times when it can be suffered more intensely. Among the treatments, we can use specific shampoos or lotions formulated with urea and salicylic acid, among other components. In this way, we contribute to reducing inflammation, itching and flaking.

Hair Loss

If you are one of those, who find hair everywhere… You should know that excessive hair loss is not good. Usually, we lose it, but not more than necessary. The lack of vitamins, an unbalanced diet, hormonal changes, stress, or genetics, can cause alopecia. Try eating healthier, relaxing, and unwinding to reduce or prevent this constant hair loss.

Brittle Hair

Hair breakage can be recognized by the presence of small white dots on the hair, which indicate that it is broken. Brittle hair also causes the sensation of having rough and dull hair. Excessive brushing, exerting a lot of pressure on the hair, undergoing chemical treatments, and heat caused this breakage. Recovering broken hair is impossible, but solid and nourished hair is possible. Try trimming your ends more often to remove damaged areas, get a keratin treatment to rebuild them, and apply a heat protectant before using a blow dryer or flat iron.


Reducing or avoiding causes of hair damage and taking steps to care for the hair correctly can help to keep the hair strong and healthy. This can also help prevent worsening symptoms, such as hair loss. If people notice excessive or unusual hair loss, they should see their doctor, as it may signal an underlying health condition.