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DIY Makeup - Healthy Hacks You Should Try

DIY Makeup – Healthy Hacks You Should Try – Natural Beauty Web

About DIY Makeup Hacks!

These DIY makeup Healthy hacks can help. Not only can you get the effect you want, but you can do it on a dime!

Makeup can be expensive and a little tricky. It’s too easy to lose a new mascara tube to clumps. You can also waste money trying to find products you like that match both your skin tone and your expectations.

Natural cosmetics are fashionable; have you already tried some of their products? We propose some natural products used for centuries to have a perfect and healthy face. Discover the most natural and healthy makeup!

Next, we will tell you about the most traditional natural makeup, such as kohl or Aker Fassi, and explain how and where to apply them. Take note!

The Cosmetics

The current legislation defines a cosmetic as “any substance or preparation intended to contact the various superficial parts of the human body (epidermis, hair and capillary system, nails, lips, and external genital organs) or with the teeth and oral mucosa. , with the exclusive or primary purpose of cleaning them, perfuming them, modifying their appearance, correcting body odors, and protecting or keeping them in good condition.

From this, we deduce day-to-day that we use many cosmetics for our hygiene, care, and beauty, such as toothpaste, shampoo, soap, deodorant, and, of course, makeup.


·  Discover a More Natural Makeup

An alternative to traditional cosmetics is to opt for natural substances that we can buy from herbalists and specialized stores. The main advantage of these products is that they do not contain preservatives or synthetic aromas.

This article offers options based on all-natural products traditionally used in many cultures to beautify women’s faces.

Khol o Kajal for DIY Makeup

Since immemorial, it has been used by men, women, and even children. It began to be used possibly in Ancient Egypt and, therefore, it is not strange for us to contemplate the eyes made up remarkably on the faces of the pharaohs.

Khol is a dark ink of mineral origin, typical of India, prepared with ground galena and other substances. This product has an intense dark color that brightens the look and makes the eyes appear more prominent.

The use of khol., as makeup has been controversial throughout history. While some experts maintain that it could be toxic, Ayurvedic medicine attributes therapeutic properties to it.

An investigation carried out by the Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences indicates that its use would protect the eyes from impurities and, on the other hand, would minimize the effects of intense light for those who suffer from photosensitivity.

How is it Used?

The Kajal place is similar to any eyeliner; however, we must have a good pulse and start with a small amount since its effect is very noticeable.

Alternative medicine suggests applying a drop of ghee to each eye in the morning for a brighter appearance. However, as there are no scientific studies on the safety of this practice, we recommend that you consult an ophthalmologist in this regard.

Remember that before starting to use a natural remedy regularly, it is advisable to

Aker Fassi, Another More Natural Makeup Option

How did women wear lipstick in the past? One of the options they had was using this product: the most traditional lipstick of the Arab countries, especially in the Berber people.

A key fassi made from the powder of some plants such as opium poppy and pomegranate bark. It place in a small clay container and left to dry in the sun. The color will be dark pink or red.

How is It Used?

To use it, we must moisten it a little. We recommend using a makeup brush since, if we do it directly with our finger, it will stain it. It can also use as a cheek blush. It will take a bit of practice to get the right shades.

Beetroot Powder for DIY Makeup

Beetroot is an excellent natural colorant, and, in addition, it has a beautiful purple colour, ideal for our lips. Today, beetroot powder is retailed in herbalists and natural cosmetics stores.

How is It Used?

We can moisten it and use it directly on the lips. However, if we want it to be more practical and long-lasting, we can prepare a simple lipstick by mixing beetroot powder with beeswax and coconut oil in a bain-marie.

The amounts will depend on whether we want a more consistent or creamier texture. We can keep it in a small jar with a lid or fill an empty lipstick as, when the mixture cools down, it will harden and be ready to use.

Did you know These More DIY Makeup Options?

Whether they have interested you because of their exoticism or because some traditional cosmetics make you allergic, we advise you to take note and try these ideas. They offer endless possibilities with super pretty colours!

Of course, consult a dermatologist, using any natural makeup, if any mark or sign of allergy appears on your skin. Remember that, in this case, you should stop using the product until you get professional advice.


Did you know these more natural makeup options? Whether they have interested you because of their exoticism or because some traditional cosmetics make you allergic, we advise you to take note and try these ideas. They offer endless possibilities with super pretty colors!