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Grow my style

Grow My Style – How Can I Grow My Style?

How Can I Grow My Style?

Grow my style –  The last two years have proven to be a very different time for everyone. Much of our lives have changed, from our workplace and holiday trip to who we can see and what we’re permitted to do. In this, less significantly, our attitude to what we wear daily has also changed.

If you are doing online shopping, so many changes are coming towards our approach to fashion more than ever before. You can decide what should and should not be in your wardrobe for the new year. We are all guilty of making poor choices regarding our wardrobes, from clinging onto old clothes that seldom get worn to panic-buying items that won’t have more than one outing. However, it is not necessary to be that way.

Grow My Style – Here are Some Wardrobe Resolutions

Below are some of the wardrobe resolutions that will make you more stylish.Wardrobe Resolutions


1. Grow My Style – Do Not Purchase Something for a Single Occasion.

  • We’re all to blame: a wedding, a birthday party, or a Friday night dinner with friends. Going somewhere exciting necessitates the need for something special – and thus something new – to wear. However, regardless of how much we like the piece, it rarely gets more than one outing.
  • Try to have a few dressier pieces in your closet that can be worn for various occasions rather than buying specific items. You can wear it repeatedly if you choose something straightforward and more classic than trend-driven. With the right accessories, it will never feel like the same outfit.

2. Grow My Style – Avoid Purchasing or Retaining Items That Don’t Fit.

It’s usual to keep holding onto clothing that doesn’t fit you anymore in the hopes that it will take one day. Incentives to lose weight or the fact that it’s on sale and they don’t have your typical size may lead you to purchase an item in a size that is too small—but clinging onto these things, which you can’t do.

3. Do Not Purchase or Keep Anything that Does Not Suit You.

Many of us keep items that we know do not suit us and items that do not fit. We’ve often bought something on a whim because it’s a big trend or because we saw someone else wearing it and thought they looked amazing – but we’ve never worn it because it just doesn’t suit us. Clothing that does not make you feel confident and comfortable has no place in your life.

4. Do Not Buy Something Just Because it is Cheap.

It’s easy to be swayed by a big discount, and you should significantly take advantage of big markdowns when investing in designer clothing. When You Buy Something, Get Rid of Something else. A great way to keep your wardrobe at a manageable size is to adopt an out policy: every time you add something new, take out a piece (and sell it or give it to a charity). Not only does this prevent your rails and shelves from flooding, but it also means you must be much more confident with your product. You can never buy something you don’t wholly love knowing that you will have to lose something special in your wardrobe.

6. Change Your Outfits With Your Most Stylish Friends

Swapping items with your friends is a great way to keep your wardrobe fresh. Follow your one-of-a-kind policy by throwing out something you haven’t worn in months and replacing it with something your friend is weary  of wearing (but always has your eye on).

7. Do Not Exaggerate Shopping

Too often, we get stuck in style routines, feeling we hate everything in our wardrobes and have nothing to wear. When this happens, we usually go on a big shopping spree and spent vast sums of money on trendy items that sit in our cupboards forever and are never damage. Don’t let it get to this point. Instead, please keep track of your favourite ways throughout the year and jot down the ones you miss when you notice them. Investing in buying one stunning piece each month rather than two big shopping sprees a year will likely result in much better thought-out decisions and, as a result, a much more stylish wardrobe.

8. Make an Effort to Discover New Brands

Another reason we get caught with style ruts because we get close to certain boutiques and feel comfortable around them. It’s great to have your favourite brands you trust and know well, but there are always so many great new brands coming out and discovering them. Keep exploring, from high-end designer brands to more affordable mid-range ones, all year long. You’ll have some extraordinary, stylish finds (which no one else has).

9. Make Tough Decisions

Nobody likes to throw things away. Parting with an outfit sometimes means leaving memories, which can be very difficult. However, you don’t need to hide everything you love all the time, especially if it’s something you haven’t worn in decades. If you can’t stand parting with something, give it a try and see how many times you wear it over the next six months. If he doesn’t see an exit, it’s time to leave officially.

10. Know Your Wardrobe Inside Out

It sounds obvious, but it’s easy to forget what’s in our closets. For most of us, it will be important, secret rooms that haven’t seen the light of day in years or were gone during quarantine. Therefore, before buying something new, ensure you have a clear idea of ​​what you have in your wardrobe. If you have storage and clutter, you’ll know what’s in there. It will save you from accidentally buying things you don’t need.


How can I grow my style? Once you’ve finished putting your varied look together, step in front of a mirror and admire your handiwork. You can even take a photo for later reference. There’s a fine line between varied and trendy faux pas, so make sure you don’t cross it. However, take advantage of the possibilities and have fun experimenting with your outfits. You never know – you can create a brand new you!