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To Remove Makeup Naturally - Importance, And Methods

To Remove Makeup Naturally – Importance, And Methods – 2022

To Remove Makeup Olive Oil is Healthy For Our Body

To Remove Makeup before going to sleep we use olive oil, removing makeup is of utmost importance because the cells renew when sleeping. Therefore, if your skin is not clean, it will absorb what is on it, and you will only get your pores to clog. So thinking about removing makeup, we have put together some methods to remove makeup naturally. You can choose elements that help you combat specific skin problems such as wrinkles, dryness or excess oil. Did you know that olive oil, one of the healthy for our body, can also help us remove traces of Makeup, dirt, and grease.

Methods to Remember Removing Makeup Naturally

The process will depend upon the Makeup you have on your face and the area you want to clean, as some products are more difficult to remove than others. Eye makeup products are often waterproof, which makes them difficult to remove. For its part, some lipsticks also become a bit difficult to remove and crack the lips. On the rest of the face, it is easier to remove the Makeup, so you can start by washing it with warm water and a bar of neutral soap to remove much of it.



However, not everything will altogether remove. Luckily, you can use the following items to remove Makeup naturally:

1. Plain Yoghurt

Natural yoghurt is not only a complete food for the body but also has many benefits for the face.

The only thing you should consider when removing Makeup naturally with this food is that it is natural and free of sugars and preservatives.


  1. One tablespoon of natural yoghurt (18 g)

What should you do?

  • Evenly apply a layer of yoghurt all over your face.
  • Let stand for 10 minutes and remove with a cotton pad dipped in warm water.

2. Milk

Milk is a neutral and very easy-to-use food that does not irritate. Thanks to its characteristics, milk is perfect for removing Makeup without damaging sensitive skin.


  1. One tablespoon of milk (10 ml)

What should you do?

  • Soak a cotton ball with the milk and apply it to the face while exerting light pressure against the skin.
  • Then rinse well with lukewarm water.

3. Olive Oil

Benefits of olive oil:

  1. Olive oil is one of the best ingredients that nature gives us.
  2. It is a very soft oil that penetrates the deepest layers of the skin, helping to cleanse your pores of dirt, sebum, chemicals and oil.
  3. By using this oil to remove Makeup, you can remove the heaviest beauty products without difficulty.
  4. This option is ideal for dry skin and is very economical since you like already have this oil in your kitchen.
  5. Due to the characteristics of olive oil, it is perfect for removing eye makeup.


  1. Five drops of olive oil

What should you do?

  • Place the drops of oil on a cotton ball and pass them over your face.
  • Remove the remains with another cotton or directly with warm water.

4. Chamomile And Olive Oil

This natural makeup remover combination will also reduce puffiness, dark circles and puffiness. Try to include this habit in your daily life if you are trying to eliminate these problems.


  1. ½ cup of chamomile tea (125 ml)
  2. Three drops of olive oil

What should you do?

  • Prepare the chamomile infusion and therefore let it stand until it cools.
  • Soak a cotton in the infusion and add the three drops of oil.
  • Pass the cotton over the face, paying particular attention to the eyes.

5. Almond Oil

Almonds to lighten your skin.

Almond oil is one of the best methods to remove makeup naturally. It has made it one of the base ingredients in many commercial cosmetic products.

Due to its property, we recommend using almond oil if your skin tends to be dry.


  1. Five drops of almond oil

What should you do?

  • Pour several drops on a cotton pad and wipe over the face and neck.
  • Remove the oil with water.
  • To finish, apply moisturizer.

6. Baking Soda and Honey

This combination of baking soda and honey both is a super effective method of removing Makeup without causing damage to the skin.

One benefit you will get from using these ingredients is silkier, brighter, smoother skin. By applying this mask, you hydrate the skin and the eyes without using other products. or creams.


  1. Two tablespoons of baking soda (20 g)
  2. Two tablespoons of honey (50 g)

What should you do?

  • Mix two ingredients in a bowl until they combine as well.
  • Apply the mixture with a clean brush all over your face.
  • Remove with warm or cold water.

7. Vaseline

Vaseline is one of the most used methods to remove eye makeup naturally.

It should know that if you do not remove the Vaseline immediately, you may have problems with closed pores.


  1. Vaseline

What should you do?

  • Please take a little Vaseline with your fingers and hereafter that spread it all over your face until you leave as thin a layer as possible to Remove a makeup.
  • Wash your face immediately with cold water and neutral soap. Remove makeup characteristics, Therefore, Vaseline also moisturizes the skin to be very soft.


Remove Makeup there are different product focus, especially on this objective, therefore it can be expensive or they simply prefer another alternative. For this reason, the Better with Health portal explains how to remove Makeup from the face with natural ingredients and without using a makeup remover product. In other words, it is important to keep in mind that before applying any of these options, you should consult a dermatologist.

Also Read: Easy Makeup Looks – Achievements, Objectives, and Simple Steps