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Video Tutorial Everday Makeup

Video Tutorial-Everyday Makeup- Definition, Procedure and More

Video Tutorial-Everyday Makeup – Many people choose to wear makeup every day, either to hide imperfections or to enhance their natural beauty. However, establishing a makeup routine when you’re just starting can be daunting. Knowing which products to use and in what order seems complicated and time-consuming, but it’s easy to master. Breaking down your routine into smaller steps will help.

Video Tutorial-Everyday Makeup – How to Apply Makeup?

Video Tutorial -Everyday Makeup

1. Start With a Completely Clean Face.

Video Tutorial-Everyday Makeup – The first part of your routine is to cleanse your face. Use a washcloth, soap, and warm (but not hot) water to wash your face gently. If you shower in the morning and have already passed your face, you can, of course, skip this step.

2. Apply Sunscreen and Moisturizer –

Video Tutorial -Everyday Makeup

Apply Moisturizer and Sunscreen

Start with a bit of sunscreen if you plan to spend time in the sun. Use a product made specifically for the face, as it’s less likely to leave a sticky residue that makes it challenging to apply makeup. If your skin is prone to dryness and flaking, massage it with a dollop of moisturizer.

Video Tutorial -Everyday Makeup

3. Apply a Makeup Base on Your Face.

The primer helps makeup apply more efficiently and last longer. Just dab a little on your fingertips to apply. Work the primer into your skin wherever you plan to apply makeup. If you’re using eyeliner or eyeshadow, add a bit of primer to your lids and under your brows. General makeup foundation generally works well in these areas.

4. Choose the Right Foundation.

Finding the proper foundation can be a challenge. You want one that best matches your natural skin tone. If your skin is irritated, you should look for foundations advertised as “gentle” and “for sensitive skin.” When choosing a new foundation, try talking to beauticians at the makeup counter of a department store.

Video Tutorial-Everyday Makeup – Apply Foundation.

A thin, even layer of foundation will smooth your skin and give it an even look. How you apply your foundation will be resolute by the type you choose. There are two types of foundation liquid or cream foundations and solid foundations, which come in the form of a tube or bar. Regardless of the foundation you use, it’s essential to blend your makeup correctly to give it a natural look. Use small circular motions with the applicator of your choice until it’s even on your skin.

5. Add Some Concealer to Problem Areas.

If you have uneven areas that show through your foundation, like pimples or dark circles under your eyes, you can cover them up with a bit of concealer. Apply a small amount to these areas and blend the concealer using the same technique you used for the foundation.

6. Apply a Little Translucent Powder with a Blush.

When using foundation, you should always finish with a powder. This resolve helps your makeup set last longer and keeps it from rubbing off. Use a brush to lightly dust the translucent powder on your forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin.

Apply blush then/or bronzer. Blushes and bronzers are pigmented powders designed to enhance the skin. Colour intentionally adds a healthy, slightly red look to your cheeks, while bronzer gives your skin a sunkissed look. Both remain planned to remain used on the cheeks, but you can also apply bronzer to your nose, chin, and forehead. Use a rounded makeup brush to dust one (or both) onto your skin.

7. Apply Eye Primer.

If you haven’t prepared your eyeliner, be sure to do so before you start putting on your eyeshadow. Use your fingertips to massage a small amount of foundation onto your lids and the area just above your eye crease. You can use the same primer you used for the rest of your face or a particular eye primer. When using a face primer, check the packaging to ensure it’s safe for your eyes.

8. Choose the Colors of Your Eye Shadows.

You will need at least two colours to start with, one darker than the other. Think about the look you want to have. When it comes to eyeshadow, you have three general options: The natural look, the smoky look and the colourful look.

9. Make Your Eyes Stand Out with a Bit of Eyeliner.

You can use a pencil liner, apply a liquid liner with a brush, or apply liquid over a solid. Wear black or dark brown. If you’re going for a colourful look, you can choose to use a darker version of your eyeshadow shade. Start by marking your lash line. Start at the outer corner of your eye and work towards your nose.

Put the finishing touch on your eyes. When doing your eye makeup, you’ll want to focus on your lashes last. Curling your eyelashes will make them look much longer. Be sure to place the eyelash curler at the base of your lashes, close to your lash line, for the best effect. Then add a swipe of mascara. You can always skip the curling iron and use mascara on your lashes without curling them.

10. Add Lipstick or Gloss.

For everyday makeup, most people like to go for neutral pinks and browns that are more like their natural lip colour. Others want to add classic red or plum lipstick. Still, others avoid colour altogether and apply transparent lip gloss or lip balm. It’s up to you to decide which look suits you.

Video Tutorial-Everyday Makeup – Conclusion.

Video Tutorial-Everyday Makeup – It’s even more critical to ensure your face is clean at the end of the day. Always make sure to remove your makeup before going to bed. Leaving it overnight can clog pores and cause acne. Many dermatologists recommend using disposable exfoliating wipes to remove makeup…Although there are many positive effects and benefits of makeup, you should also see how well makeup works on your skin. Your skin will look great, and you will feel better about yourself if you wear your makeup correctly.