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Wellness For Women – Functions, Signs, Keys, and More – 2022

Wellness For Women – Functions

Wellness For Women Building strong, healthy bones isn’t just important during childhood. Steps need to be taken in adulthood. On World Osteoporosis Day, check out these tips!

Wellness for women has always been told to consume milk to have healthy and strong bones; although it is true, there are many other ways to take care of them. But why is it so important to protect them? According to Mayo Clinic experts, these organs perform important bodily functions, provide structure, protect organs, support muscles, and store calcium.

What Should You Know About Your Bone Health

You may have noticed that while your youngest nephew grows by leaps and bounds, your grandmother seems to lose height. Well, it’s all because bones are constantly changing: new bone tissue is created, and existing bone is broken down. When you’re young, your body makes new bone tissue faster than it breaks down living bone tissue, so bone density increases. After the age of 30, bone renewal continues, but more density is lost than is generated, explains a Mayo Clinic specialist.


Several factors can affect the proper functioning of your bones, leading to osteoporosis, a condition that weakens the bones and makes them brittle. At Doctor Akí, we tell you some, so you don’t let your guard down and pay attention to them:

  • Low calcium intake: a low intake of this component contributes to a decrease in bone density, early decalcification, and an increased risk of fractures.
  • Low physical activity Compare to more active people, sedentary people are more likely to develop osteoporosis.
  • Tobacco and alcohol: batteries! Several studies show that tobacco consumption and excessive intake of alcoholic beverages could increase the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Hormone levels: excess thyroid hormone can lead to osteoporosis. For women, bone loss increases dramatically during menopause due to declining estrogen levels. And in men? Low testosterone levels could lead to decreased bone mass.
  • Sex and age: in women, bone loss begins a few years before menopause, accelerating during this period and being six times more frequent than in men.


1. Calcium More For Your Bones

According to Mayo Clinic specialists, the recommended daily calcium intake for adults aged 19 to 50 and men ages 51 to 70 is 1,000 milligrams (mg) per day. For women over 50 and men over 70, the recommendation increases to 1,200 mg per day.

 2. Nutritional and Varied Diet

Foods such as dairy products, almonds, broccoli, kale, salmon, and tofu have high calcium concentrations. Get inspired in the kitchen while taking care of your health. If you’re having trouble getting enough calcium from your diet, ask your doctor about supplements.

 3. SUN, SUN For Your Bones…

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exposure to the sun for about 15 minutes a day to synthesize vitamin D. But be careful! It is essential to do it responsibly to avoid damaging our skin.

4. Say Yes to Vitamin D!

Ensure you include enough vitamin D in your diet, as it strengthens bones and helps the body assimilate all the calcium you get from your diet much better.

5. Please Exercise – Wellness For Women

Weight-bearing activities like walking, jogging, and climbing stair can help strengthen bones and slow bone loss. To move extra!

6. No to Excesses – Wellness For Women

Smoking is associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis, so avoid it for your bone and cardiovascular health. On the other hand, restrict or minimize alcohol consumption.

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Breastfeeding Helps Prevent Breast Cancer – Wellness For Women

Good news! The more months you may spend breastfeeding, the more your chances of getting breast cancer decrease. It revealed a study published at the end of 2018 by Doctor Emilio Gonzalez-Jimenez of the University of Granada, Spain. The report concludes that ” breastfeeding for longer than six months leads to statistically significant reductions in the risk of developing breast cancer, the most common gynecological tumor in young women.”

The professor assures that it remains to study whether this risk reduction applies to women with hereditary susceptibility to developing breast cancer. For now, the expert invites health professionals to promote prolonged breastfeeding so that mothers are exposed to this benefit.

Lactating Black Women and Breast Cancer

For its part, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) of the Research Institute in Maryland, United States, warn that black women not only have lower rate of breastfeeding than white women but are disproportionately affect by an aggressive type of breast cancer. It is in line with the possibility that prolong breastfeeding  prevent breast cancer risk.

Therefore, this institution insists that all women have the necessary support to achieve their breastfeeding goals.

1. Breast Cancer VS Breastfeeding – Wellness For Women

The American Pregnancy Association explains some of the most frequent doubts in women who a doctor diagnoses as cancer patients due to breast cancer.

2. If a Woman Waits to Breast Feed, Can She Postpone Cancer Treatment? Wellness For Women

Although breastfeeding is becoming increasingly important, it is not worth risking the mother’s life. When feeding a baby, it is better to use formula or donated breast milk.

3. Are There “SAFE” Treatments While Breastfeeding?

Other than possible surgery (mastectomy or biopsy), no further treatments will allow you to continue breastfeeding. Some doctors suggest stopping breastfeeding before surgery to prevent infection and decrease blood flow and swelling of the breast(s).

4. Is It  Safe To Breastfeed On One Breast After Having a Mastectomy?

Usually yes! It’s safe, and it’s okay. However, you should always consult with your treating physician.

5. When a Mass has not Been Remove, Can You Breast Feed On that Breast?

It depend a lot on the treating oncologist since they must consider which part of the breast have affect by cancer. The doctor determine if the breast can produce milk and when the mass should remove.


The above content is for educational and informational purpose only and has develop with reliable medical sources and recommendation from health expert. If you feel identified with any symptom or medical term described or are a patient,  we recommend you consult your doctor.

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