Why Wellness is Important – Definition and Techniques

Why Wellness is Important?

Why wellness is important, and how do we measure it because we get asked this question very often. So Researchers, including those at the Center, investigate the factors that shape well-being. Instead of proposing a static, scientific definition of wellness, we constantly uncover clues and evidence about how wellness manifests in the mind and body. Wellness is not a static “thing” but rather a set of skills that can learn and cultivate over time, like learning to play a musical instrument or ride a bike.

Based on decades of research and we’ve identified four areas that can be trained and measured in the lab that contributes to the well-being of awareness, connection, and insight.

AWARENESS – Why Wellness is Important

1.  What is

You have heightened flexible attention to the environment and internal signals, such as bodily awareness, thought, and feeling. Awareness training during meditation practices can increase what is called “meta-awareness”. In other words, the ability to be aware of what going on in your mind.

2.  How it Manifests

Being able to identify your thoughts, feelings, and sensations as they arise is commonly called  mindfulness

Placing when you’re getting distracted or running on autopilot while doing everyday tasks like cleaning or driving.

3.  The Science – Wellness Importance

People with higher levels of consciousness experience higher levels of well-being and positive emotions.

Distraction, the main rival of mindfulness, can affect executive function  21  and increase stress and anxiety  22, symptoms of ADHD 23, and depression 24.

Some studies show that distraction and perceived stress can harm our health and lead to stress responses in the body that are related to inflammation and aging.

Focusing on our thoughts engages the lateral regions of the prefrontal cortex that are part of the brain’s central executive norm.

4.   Practice

Close your eyes and take ten intentional breaths, counting each one silently and noticing how each inhalation and exhalation feel in your body. What do you see while doing the exercise? Whatever comes up is fine, and what matters is awareness.

Want to do a guided practice? Try the Tour of the Senses: Seated 10-Minute Practice from Healthy Minds Innovations.

CONNECTION – Why Wellness is Important

1.  What is

A feeling of concern and closeness with other people promotes supportive relationships and interactions.

2.   How it Manifests

Acknowledging that there are differences between people (such as differences in politics or point of view) and trying to understand the particular perspective of the other, accepting that,  like you, other people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect as all human beings.

Showing appreciation to the people in your life, acknowledging them, and sharing with them the reasons for which you are grateful.

You are focusing on some aspects in common when you met someone for the first time.

3.   The Science – Wellness Importance

The formation of negative first impressions or even neutral impressions in some cases can potentially lead to apathy intergroup bias and social isolation.

Social relationships are a better predictor of health than some biological and economic factors. 52

Making inferences about someone perceived as similar to us activates the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, 71, which is critical for perceptions of social safety and feelings of social connectedness.

A study conducted by the Center reported that practicing compassionate meditation for just 30 minutes a day over two weeks  showed changes in people related to behaviors of concern for others, and measurable changes in the brain were also observed  87

4.   Practice

Get into the habit of identifying positives in other people. It is done by practicing a sitting meditation where you remember a close friend or family member and identify the quality you admire or appreciate them. Recall situations in which they manifested those qualities, and then imagine yourself expressing gratitude to them. You can then extend people you don’t know very well and eventually even people you have a hard time through. Finally, apply this skill daily, identify the positives in the people you interact with, and express your gratitude.

Try a guided practice Listen to this Appreciation 10-Minute Seated Meditation from Healthy Minds Innovations.

INSIGHT – Why Wellness is Important

1.   What is

It is self-knowledge related to how our emotions, thoughts, and beliefs shape our experience and sense of self.

2.   How it Manifests

Recognizing an anxiety-provoking thought and wondering if it stems from fearful expectation or self-criticism

You can clarify and challenge “unchangeable” beliefs about yourself and the people around

3.   The Science – Wellness Importance

Rigid and negative self-belief can increase mental health disorders, while beliefs related to acceptance and personal growth are associate with a lower level of depression and anxiety and even with other aspects, such as better academic performance  7, 93, 94, 95

Scientific studies of personal identification suggest that does not appear to be a single unitary network in the brain associate with insight.

People with extensive meditative experience who have done insight-related deconstructive meditations appear to demonstrate long-lasting changes in the brain linked to personal identification processing.

4.   Practice

If you’ve ever felt grumpy even before joining a meeting, now is a time for insight. You can question your assumptions and identify them.

How Can We Achieve Emotional Well-Being?

Emotional well-being is not innate; we are not born with it as a standard and do not remain at the same level throughout our lives. We must work on it through tools to feel better about ourselves and those around us. These are some techniques that we can implement to achieve better emotional well-being:

  • Identify your emotions: Knowing oneself is essential to feel at peace. Regularly review what emotion you are feeling and look for an explanation. You will know yourself better and learn how to focus your day-to-day.
  • Sleep well: If we sleep the hours that correspond to us and we will restore our soul and body. It’s best to go to bed at the same time each day. And maintain habits that help us have a restful sleep to avoid feeling tired, anxious, or confused the next day.
  • Moments for you: Allow yourself 10 minutes of doing nothing and also You can look out the window, sit in the sun, daydream or meditate. These moments of rest reactivate you and also make you feel good.
  • Have and share leisure: Individual leisure fills us, such as reading a book or visiting a museum. But it is also convenient to share interests with others to increase our feeling of belonging.
  • Enjoy everyday things and also boost your spontaneity, curiosity, your wonder, your sense of humor, and ability to play. Hence, Life is full of little things to enjoy to the fullest.
  • Release energy and stress because Dance, laughing aloud, enjoying a walk in the park or the mountains, etc. And also any activity that you find pleasurable contributes to increasing your emotional well-being.


Therefore, an Essay that explains through theory the importance of student well-being and development is present. And the student goes through stress, emotional problems, learning problems, etc., directly interfering with their well-being and full growth.  Since Emphasis is place on the relevance of creating an institutional unit. That contributes to the student’s formation. The integral development is through offering services and resources to satisfy their needs.

Keywords: Well-being, Human Development, Mental Health, Students, Academic Performance, and Emotional Support.

Also Read: What are Health and Wellness? Similarities and Differences