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Wellness Programs Importance – Introduction & Technique – 2022

Introduction – Wellness Programs Importance

Wellness Programs Importance for several years, the international community has promoted, as part of the Sustainable. Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, the goal of “ensuring a healthy life and promoting well-being for all ages”. However, these efforts have become more relevant after the covid-19 pandemic and the global health crisis that triggered this situation.

Health care and promotion require the joint work of the entire society. The lack of programs focused on this area has resulted in, for example, Ecuadorian citizens being among the world’s population. One of the highest scores in negative experiences.

According to the Gallup Global Emotions study, which was applied in 122 countries, the emotional state of Ecuadorians is not favorable, and feelings such as worry (62%), stress (62%), sadness (41%), and physical pain predominate. (41%). Ecuador ranks eighth among the countries with the highest rates of negative experiences, below nations such as Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Iraq.

In this context, Seguro’s Equinoctial highlights the importance of promoting wellness programs that improve the world population’s happiness, health, and satisfaction rates.

In Ecuador, 63.6% of the population is overweight and obese, according to the latest STEPS survey by the Ministry of Public Health. These figures affect not only people’s physical well-being but also their emotional state. In this scenario, Seguro’s Equinoctial’s Vitality wellness program become a key ally for citizen, as it encourages, through rewards such as cashback, gift cards, and prizes, to improve physical fitness and change some lifestyle habits such as disconnection from technological devices, rest, a healthy diet with a positive effect among its users.

Achievements For Prizes  – Wellness Programs Importance

Wellness Programs Importance

Wellness Programs Importance Vitality has more than 22 years of experience, has been implemented in 31 countries, and has more than 10 million members worldwide. The program works through an App that, according to the user’s health status, establishes physical activity and well-being goals that will allow them to exchange their achievements for prizes and, most importantly, feel healthy and vitality.

  • Well-being and health in the company: Fashion or reality
  • Index of contents
  • Well-being and health in the company: Fashion or reality
  • What do these programs consist of?
  • How can we integrate wellness and health programs?

Everybody Wins – Wellness Programs Importance

Much is said about happiness at work and employee satisfaction, but there are two currents. The one that is completely convinced that is the way to the authentic success of the entire organization. On the other hand, those who believe that everything is a lie, that it is often a fad, and that the concept of happiness has been confused and completely disassociated for them from work.

Talent Management – Wellness Programs Importance

Of course, I am in the first group. We should not go into this post about what happiness means at work since many confuse it with colored sofas, fruit bowls, and phrases in the corridors, “forcing” everyone. World to smile and impose what the company considers to make people happy. Another day we get into it.

Today we are going to focus on wellness and health programs. It is necessary to understand that the worker worries the organization. And when we speak of an employee or a worker, we speak above all of a person. Let’s not forget that someone who comes to the office to work before walking through the door is a person. He doesn’t put on a professional suit when he arrives. For this reason, it is important to integrate the whole of the person so that they are as comfortable as possible if we want them to be productive. That inevitably happens for her well-being and her health.

What Do these Programs Consist of ? Wellness Programs Importance

Today, more and more companies are betting on this type of program to try to take care of the people. Who makes up the organization? The gym and healthy food to a comfortable work environment make everyday life easier for people.

The idea is to promote programs that promote a healthy lifestyle, acquire healthy habits, practice sports, and have a healthy diet. Many people have this interest and are athletes and take care of themselves, but organizations must assume their responsibility to be part of a wheel in which people are integrated.

The better the employee is, the more he performs. I will not get tired of saying it. Therefore, we must be aware of how important it is to participate in the well-being and health of workers because we always obtain two objectives: well-being and satisfaction for the person and greater profitability and productivity for the company.

How Can We Integrate Wellness and Health Programs? Techniques

Some organizations encourage practices first thing in the day to start relaxed and with good energy. From relaxation techniques, yoga, or exercises to be more focused.

The Risk Prevention areas must go hand in hand because, deep down, they are the ones that take care of the employees’ health and must promote that healthy culture with, for example, conciliation policies.

Work environments must meet the needs that arise. Offices and comfortable and pleasant workstations help to develop work in the best way, not that invite you to leave there at the slightest opportunity.

Spaces, where you can practice a sport or access a gym is encouraging, such as discount or offers. There are companies where sports groups are organizing to practice and hold small internal competitions, which generate synergies and improve the relationship between colleagues, in addition to “putting on the corporate shirt”.

Improve in food canteen and menu decision of the worker, health and balanced diet. Workshops can also be held for those who are interested in going deeper.

Everybody Wins – Wellness Programs Importance

If the employee feels value, he is consider care for him because the company cares, he connects with the organization, and he feels integrate. We win in employer branding because we are improving the company’s image abroad through our people. And what better than them to convey how well they are inside?

  • When our well-being and health taken care of, we motivate. And that instantly impacts our work.
  • Anxiety and stress are reduce; therefore, we gain concentration, decisiveness, and effectiveness.
  • With this type of wellness and health program, we not only gain productivity. By participating in the person’s health, sick leave is visibly reducing.
  • The work environment improves in a caring environment and reduces staff turnover.
  • Organizations are suffering from the famous war for talent, knowing your culture well, and having a good EVP that describes everything important for your company.
  • What you offer to employees in exchange for choosing you will make selecting the talent you want easier.
  • Do you know the level of well-being and health of your employees? What will you do to make them feel you care about them? I encourage you to develop a good program with some of the ideas that I have proposed.

Advantages of Establish a Workplace Welfare Programs

The tasks of the human resources department will be to identify all these aspects, carry out a survey of work well-being and take measures in this regard.

The main advantage of establishing this workplace wellness program is that we all drive the company in the same direction.

Productivity Improvement – Wellness Programs Importance

Combining work and well-being with comfortable employees in the organization tends. To be more productive due to the feeling of commitment to the company.

Improves the Perception of the Company

Satisfied employees will speak highly of us, and they will become our best prescribers and brand ambassadors.


In addition, the efforts of organizations to improve these aspects are related to employees. Recognized by society in events such as the Healthy Company Awards. Now that you know what a Workplace Welfare Program is, what areas it includes, and all the benefits. It would bring to the company. Put in the comments if you also want us to write a post giving you the keys to designing it.

Also Read: Wellness to Wholeness – Frustrations, Fulfilment, and Aspects